and transparency

We are driven by honesty, because trust means working with peace of mind.

in every project

mining caring for the environment, to seek a better future.

Technical excellence
and adaptability

We solve challenges, adapting to all kinds of obstacles.

Since 2006, developing innovative solutions for the environmental challenges of the mining of the future.

Since its inception, MyMA’s vision has been clear: to provide environmental services to the Mining Industry.

With a passion for sustainable development, we have grown while always maintaining our commitment to excellence and environmental responsibility.

We are registered consultants at SEIA, the Chilean Environmental Authority, our legacy is the highest rate of projects approved, through excellence and technical knowledge.

We are part of:


of all Chilean mining projects over 5 Kilo Tons per Month, approved by SEIA 2015-2024.


DGA (Chilean Water Authority) approvals, for pending permits, and watercourse modifications 2010-2024.


Mining Closure Plans approved by Sernageomin 2012-2024


Sernageomin permits approved for mining operations, waste rock dumps, tailing deposits, and mineral processing plants.


Of the total mining prospecting and exploration projects approved by SEIA since 2015.

Our Services


impact studies

We support our clients from the early stages of their projects, applying our deep knowledge in mining and its relationship with the natural environment.

We respond to environmental, social, and technical challenges with a holistic view of the project life cycle, through strategies that incorporate a deep understanding of regulatory agencies expectations, to facilitate the environmental approvals of our clients.


Sectoral Permit

Because we understand the importance of time in the development of mining projects, we reconcile development plans with careful permit planning to achieve the company’s goals in the shortest possible time.


Challenged to build social license from the early stages, we develop robust baseline studies and environmental impact predictions. Understanding local dynamics and their relationship to the project, we propose solutions that meet stakeholders’ expectations.


Because we understand the environmental challenges of the mining industry, we help our clients face the changing regulatory context by identifying risks and developing strategies to achieve full compliance.


To ensure the company completes its activities successfully, we identify and propose solutions to minimize risks to communities and their environment through effective and efficient closure measures for the remaining mining facilities.

In 2023, we received the

Carlos Vial Espantoso AWARD

For Excellence in Labor Relations

Category: Medium-sized company

Receiving this recognition fills us with pride and reaffirms our commitment to placing people at the heart of our management.

At MyMA, we foster a safe, collaborative, and motivating work environment, promoting the development and well-being of every member of our team.

Contact Us

Work with us

And become part of a top-level professional and human team.

Política del Sistema Integrado de Gestión

ISO 9001 – ISO 45001 – ISO 14001

Minería y Medio Ambiente SpA. es una empresa de consultoría medioambiental, enfocada principalmente en atender las necesidades del sector minero. Coherentes con su visión y misión, la organización asume la responsabilidad de desarrollar sus servicios cumpliendo con un Sistema Integrado de Gestión basado en las Normas ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 e ISO 14001:2015, por lo que se compromete a:

Cumplir con las expectativas y requisitos de nuestras partes interesadas, entregando de manera oportuna productos y servicios de alta calidad.

Cumplir con la legislación aplicable en materias de seguridad y salud en el trabajo, y medio ambiente al desarrollar nuestros servicios, tanto en las instalaciones de la empresa como en las de nuestros clientes.

Ejecutar las acciones que permitan proporcionar condiciones de trabajo seguras y saludables a nuestro personal, buscando identificar, controlar y/o eliminar los peligros y reducir los riesgos en materia de seguridad y salud en el trabajo que podrían ocasionar lesiones y enfermedades profesionales a los trabajadores propios, personal de las empresas proveedoras y partes interesadas, así como daño a los bienes e instalaciones de la empresa y de los clientes.

Desarrollar las actividades con un uso eficiente de los recursos, y realizando acciones orientadas a proteger el medio ambiente, incluyendo la prevención de la contaminación.

Involucrar a todo el personal de la empresa en la implementación y mantenimiento de esta Política, proveyendo la formación adecuada para que cada trabajador cumpla con sus obligaciones y responsabilidades.

Promover la consulta y participación de los trabajadores o sus representantes para que contribuyan en la toma de decisiones para mejorar el desempeño en materias de seguridad y salud.

Mejorar continuamente el Sistema Integrado de Gestión y su adecuación en el tiempo, junto con los objetivos, controles y mediciones periódicas del desempeño.

Juana Galaz Palma
Directora Ejecutiva


Nos contactaremos contigo a la brevedad.